What Others are saying about Joan Endyke

"I lost 42 pounds and 34 inches and now I have a normal BMI (weight.) My cholesterol came down 64 points into the normal range. I was surprised I was able to go off my cholesterol medication and sustain healthy cholesterol levels through eating properly and exercising. I have kept my weight and cholesterol normal now for almost 2 years. I feel great!
My motivation for change came from a diagnosis of breast cancer at age 49. I only have one son it was up to me to control what I could to be around for him. Also, my father and brother died from a heart attack and my cholesterol was high – despite being on medication.
I’d done Jenny Craig and Weight watchers in the past but I could eat my whole point allowance on junk, lose weight but still be totally unhealthy. Joan has helped me understand how my body works and how food affects it (cholesterol, metabolism, fats ETC,) I didn’t realize how many good food choices there is to eat! An added benefit was my health insurance covered the appointments, I only paid my co-pay. Overall it was a great experience."
"When I met Joan I was exhausted and having trouble staying awake during the day. My muscles and joints ached. I was hardly eating anything and not losing weight, yet I felt heavy and bloated most of the time. Other than a borderline low thyroid, my doctor could not find anything wrong. Joan suggested I try a diet for irritable bowel that identifies sensitivities to short chain carbohydrates. I was skeptical at first but decided to give it a try. I was shocked at the results – no more bloating – my belly was flat! no more muscular pain! And I lost 5 pounds. I have more energy and overall feel great! Joan is amazing – very thorough."
"I lost 7 pounds and trimmed my middle. I tried to do it on my own but couldn’t figure it out. I was exercising but that wasn’t enough. Joan explained small changes I could make to my diet and showed me an on-line food tracker to chart my progress which helped a lot! It was easy to use at work and home and it was free. It has graphs and seeing the numbers daily was motivating. It took the mystery out of this process. I was also having knee pain when I biked. She pointed out that adding Vitamin D and omega 3 could help because I wasn’t getting it in my diet and it did! I found her advice extremely useful and would highly recommend her."
"Joan is awesome! I lost 25 pounds and I can’t believe I am even writing that about myself. When I met her I wanted to lose weight but deep down I thought I could never do it. I would look at diet plans in magazines and say to myself I don’t like that food; it will never work for me. I have specific foods I like and I am busy with work so I cannot spend a lot of time cooking for my family. Joan is very kind. I never felt like I was being judged for my food choices. She gave suggestions and it was always my choice. I ate foods I liked. I never felt pushed into something that wasn’t right. I feel like she looked at me as an individual rather than a diet plan. I have new habits now and will never regain the weight!"
"I worked with Joan and finally lost the weight I wanted, thirty pounds! I had always been active, but gained weight with pregnancies, and after my third child I was exercising like crazy everyday but the scale wasn’t budging. It took me a while to accept that exercise alone was not going to solve my problem. I thought if I went on a diet I would be hungry all the time but I found out that wasn’t true. Joan showed me how to eat balanced meals and snacks that kept me satisfied. I also like wine and she worked it into my plan. This made all the difference in the world to me! I checked in with her weekly and then monthly. It took eight months but it worked. Now I have the knowledge and confidence to keep my weight normal. I am very pleased and can’t thank her enough."
"I came to Joan to lose weight but I also had high blood pressure that I was ignoring. As a nurse I know the dangers of high blood pressure – stroke and heart attack – yet I couldn’t bring myself to take medication. Joan pointed out how much sodium was in my diet and explained how it constricts blood vessels. Then she showed me different seasoning choices, snack and meal ideas, as well as quick, low sodium crock pot meals the whole family enjoys. I am so pleased with the food choices I don’t even miss the salt! We also worked on including foods high in potassium, magnesium, and calcium because they lower blood pressure. Once I understood it, it was easier than I imagined. I accomplished two goals with Joan – normal blood pressure without medication and I lost 15 pounds! Best of all my insurance covered the visits."
"Joan has helped me lose weight and evaluate some troubling medical situations. I appreciate meeting with her because she works so hard to research my questions. She also reviewed all of the supplements I was taking and I found out I was getting too much that could harm my health. She was not like other nutritionists I have been to that sold me supplements. She evaluated my situation and showed me where I could find items reasonably priced. I found her to be honest, very motivating and also down to earth. She’s a great find."